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Hello Welcome

Engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth, Families and Communities in Sports,
Education, Cultural Engagement, and Community Development.  A strong focus on Education, Community Engagement, Reconciliation, Social Inclusiveness and
Cultural Pride.  
Our focus is not only on embracing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture, we also encourage 
Multicultural Engagement.


Our aim is to strengthen and develop inspiring Youth to become
future leaders, teaching them to pursue the importance of giving back to the Community.  Encouraging them to continue their Education as it is vital for their future.  We encourage our Youth in the Program to reach their potential through Education, Employment, Arts, Sports and Community Engagement.


We are about growth in our Culture while respecting and embracing other Cultures and backgrounds.  By creating an inclusive environment that encourages the whole family and the community to build a sustainable future for our Youth and  our Community.
Our aim is that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth, Family and Communities live safe,
fulfilling and rewarding lives. This is done through training the participants in our Program to be
able to gain knowledge in Culture, life skills, role modelling and self-empowerment.

Traditional Cultural Dance Performance

1000's Years of Songlines and Ancestral History has been entrusted to us.  We continue to promote and pass on this knowledge to our Youth, so they can grow to be future leaders and pass this knowledge on to the generations after them.  Our Motto is 'Keeping Culture Alive".

Contemporary Dance Performance

Having fun is all a part of growing up and we just love entertaining people.  We embrace combining our Traditional Dance with modern day Contemporary Dance in a fun, respectful and engaging performance.  Making people forget about whatever is happening in their lives and being fully engaged in the moment, with laughter, joy and hope for the future.


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Perth Western Australia


08 9459 1838 or 0473 225 173

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© 2015 Koolangkas Kreate

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