Koolangkas Kreate Incorporated
We are seeking Sponsorship and Funding if you would like to support Our Program

For more photos and videos please see below link to our Facebook Page
Kaya Noonook, Ngalak Kaadijt Ngaalang Noongar Booridiya, Ngaalang Moort, Ngaalang Waangkiny, Wer Ngaalang Kwobidak Boodja.
Hello Everyone, We acknowledge Our Noongar Elders, Our Family, Our Language and Our Beautiful Country.

Hello Welcome

Engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth, Families and Communities in Sports,
Education, Cultural Engagement, and Community Development. A strong focus on Education, Community Engagement, Reconciliation, Social Inclusiveness and
Cultural Pride. Our focus is not only on embracing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture, we also encourage Multicultural Engagement.
Our aim is to strengthen and develop inspiring Youth to become
future leaders, teaching them to pursue the importance of giving back to the Community. Encouraging them to continue their Education as it is vital for their future. We encourage our Youth in the Program to reach their potential through Education, Employment, Arts, Sports and Community Engagement.
We are about growth in our Culture while respecting and embracing other Cultures and backgrounds. By creating an inclusive environment that encourages the whole family and the community to build a sustainable future for our Youth and our Community.
Our aim is that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth, Family and Communities live safe,
fulfilling and rewarding lives. This is done through training the participants in our Program to be
able to gain knowledge in Culture, life skills, role modelling and self-empowerment.

Traditionell kulturell dansföreställning
Traditionell kulturell dansföreställning
1000 år av sånglinjer och förfäders historia har anförtrotts oss. Vi fortsätter att främja och vidarebefordra denna kunskap till våra ungdomar, så att de kan växa till att bli framtida ledare och föra denna kunskap vidare till generationerna efter dem. Vårt motto är "Keeping Culture Alive".
Contemporary Dance Performance
Att ha roligt är en del av att växa upp och vi bara älskar att underhålla människor. Vi omfamnar att kombinera vår traditionella dans med modern samtida dans i en rolig, respektfull och engagerande föreställning. Att få människor att glömma vad som än händer i deras liv och vara fullt engagerade i nuet, med skratt, glädje och hopp för framtiden.

Kontakta oss
Kontakta oss

Perth västra Australien

08 9459 1838 eller 0473 225 173